Monday, December 29, 2008

Valrico Animal Rescue and Shelter

If you can, please DONATE. Even if it's small, the little things do add up! It is that time of year and I hope the charitableness in people comes out. I donate a little when I can. I'm just so impressed and very jealous -- Cheryl and Shelly are trying to start up their own rescue and shelter... my dream job! I'd actually like to open a sanctuary someday -- I can dream. They're diligent, committed and tenacious but they cannot do it with out some help, so please donate!

Thank you!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Heater woes - oh yeah, Yay!

So, we didn't get the darn thing fixed by replacing the thermosat. We were quite perplexed and very frustrated, not to mention, COLD! Brian called a friend who is in the heating and air conditioning business and he was kind enough to come and check out our problem this morning. After much trouble shooting he discovered the problem lay with the damn plug! All he did was bend the prongs on the plug to the furnace out a little more and viola - an electric connection was made and the heater worked!! So we got a new thermostat for no reason. Now we have two. I am glad I got the space heater though, ditto on the fire place accessories. Funny how we take for granted some of the "simple" conveniences, I really appreciate my heater now! REALLY! And its supposed to get VERY cold tonight... I heard the radio weather person say **20** degrees in the valley!!! Holy Shit! Blessed be the heater God!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I cannot Effing believe...

..that my Mexican neighbors think its OK to crank their mariachi effing music as loud as it can effing go at effing 12:30 AM on Christmas Eve. Jeezus! Some people also celebrate on Christmas Day and need to effing sleep. Not to mention that those people may have also been up since 5 AM and are sooo effing tired! SHIT!

So, I called the police. God I hope they get here soon and tell them to turn that shit off!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


OK, I've tried now, twice, to upload video from my computer to blogger. Failed both times. I have noticed other blogs with video posted but now that I think of it I think most are video from YouTube. I guess that is the next step. Tit for tat I suppose.


Squeaky ball

I finally got the iSqueak ball I have been coveting since I saw Rambo playing with his! His mom put the ball inside a soda box and made him fight with the box to get it out, thank goodness my mom didn't do that to me! Onyx and Me LOVE THIS SQUEAKY BALL! Many thanks go to Auntie Carina in Michigan for sending these to us!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Heater woes

We have been living for about a week without heat. We just had a bad rain storm and it got pretty darn cold. It's still pretty cold here, just yesterday morning when I left for clinical there was frost on my windshield and the temperature was about 34 degrees. YIKES! It gets cold out here in the Inland Empire but recently it's been *really* cold. Of course, it may seem worse to us because we have been without heat in the house... but still! I broke down mid week and bought a room heater for our bedroom and new fireplace accessories so we can burn wood to keep warm in the main part of the house. That heater kicks butt! My dogs, especially Onyx, are very happy that I provided some artificial heat finally. Onyx is the only dog with a short coat and she gets cold easy. Today, we found out why the heat isn't working, it's the thermostat. Thank goodness it's not something more expensive. I think we can pick up a new one at Home Depot for about $30, no biggie. But, husband is babysitting his nieces tonight (what a good Uncle) so he will not be able to install it until tomorrow. So, this *should* be my last shivering night! 

Email troubles are over... ?

I got all my email back on my computer. Phew! All my RSS feeds for blogs are still there and all my mailbox behaviors are still set up. I am thinking... maybe it was the last computer update I did that screwed everything up. Sometimes "updates" don't mean "improvement". Mac set up a MobileMe thing in my Mail account which was new because I had not seen it before. I'm guessing that screwed with all my settings. There was an update for the Mail program and that must have been part of it. Things look a little different and I did have to re-set up my gmail account in Mail but once I did that everything fell back into place. Phew. All is right in the world again, for now. The most recent update I did changed my desktop picture too... that is some weird shit. Macintosh is making me a little nervous. 

Friday, December 19, 2008

Email troubles

This is a test. Some strange things happened yesterday regarding my email, cell phone and computer. Hmmm I hope its just a glich.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Calf Heads Yum!

For the first time I bought whole calf heads for the dogs to eat. They loved them! Brian has always said, since I started feeding raw to the dogs, that if I brought anything really weird home like a head he'd leave me. LOL. Well, mister queazy had curiosity get the best of him and he was out there cutting calf heads in half for his dog! It was a very entertaining afternoon on Saturday. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

If you'd like to support animal rescue...

I have an "internet friend" that is starting up her own canine rescue/shelter. I'm so completely jealous but so proud of her! If you'd like to find out more about how you can help her start up her business and help dogs in need, this is in Florida, feel free to join this Google group:

Dogs in Florida say thank you! ;-)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dear diary

Don't you hate it when your dog licks your face at 1:50 in the morning, waking you, you become lucid in a pitch dark room and now can't go back to sleep? I sure do. Every little noise in the room is keeping me awake: snoring (dog and husband) and funny breathing noises that sound like little whistles (husband again), and what the heck was that beeping sound?. Now my brain turns to thinking about the different things it has no business thinking about at (now) 2:25 AM. I need to remember to bring a change of clothes on Friday. Will we be able to pay our property tax? Damn if I didn't forget to send a birthday card to my brother - but I'm glad I called on his birthday. Is it going to be a busy day tomorrow? Will I have time to finish my paperwork? What kind of information am I going to find on "foreign bodies" found on xray in the rectum? Will I be able to make decent Christmas gifts for my step-family so they won't think we are ingrates? I didn't get to walk the dogs yesterday. I think
husband has sleep apnea... Just a little. I wish I'd start my period already so I can begin my new pill pack (BC). Those seafood crepes were yummy even as left overs. I hope Herb is doing OK, he needs to get into the vet again for a shot. Kitty needs to be tested again for his kidney functions. Anna has an expired dog license, she's needs a rabies shot so we can renew. I need to get started reading some books I've borrowed, when do I have time? Property tax is DUE SOON!

Just a few things on my mind.