We have been living for about a week without heat. We just had a bad rain storm and it got pretty darn cold. It's still pretty cold here, just yesterday morning when I left for clinical there was frost on my windshield and the temperature was about 34 degrees. YIKES! It gets cold out here in the
Inland Empire but recently it's been *really* cold. Of course, it may seem worse to us because we have been without heat in the house... but still! I broke down mid week and bought a room heater for our bedroom and new fireplace accessories so we can burn wood to keep warm in the main part of the house. That heater kicks butt! My dogs, especially
Onyx, are very happy that I provided some artificial heat finally. Onyx is the only dog with a short coat and she gets cold easy. Today, we found out why the heat isn't working, it's the thermostat. Thank goodness it's not something more expensive. I think we can pick up a new one at Home Depot for about $30, no biggie. But, husband is babysitting his nieces tonight (what a good Uncle) so he will not be able to install it until tomorrow. So, this *should* be my last shivering night!