Don't you hate it when your dog licks your face at 1:50 in the morning, waking you, you become lucid in a pitch dark room and now can't go back to sleep? I sure do. Every little noise in the room is keeping me awake: snoring (dog and husband) and funny breathing noises that sound like little whistles (husband again), and what the heck was that beeping sound?. Now my brain turns to thinking about the different things it has no business thinking about at (now) 2:25 AM. I need to remember to bring a change of clothes on Friday. Will we be able to pay our property tax? Damn if I didn't forget to send a birthday card to my brother - but I'm glad I called on his birthday. Is it going to be a busy day tomorrow? Will I have time to finish my paperwork? What kind of information am I going to find on "foreign bodies" found on xray in the rectum? Will I be able to make decent Christmas gifts for my step-family so they won't think we are ingrates? I didn't get to walk the dogs yesterday. I think
husband has sleep apnea... Just a little. I wish I'd start my period already so I can begin my new pill pack (BC). Those seafood crepes were yummy even as left overs. I hope Herb is doing OK, he needs to get into the vet again for a shot. Kitty needs to be tested again for his kidney functions. Anna has an expired dog license, she's needs a rabies shot so we can renew. I need to get started reading some books I've borrowed, when do I have time? Property tax is DUE SOON!
Just a few things on my mind.
What are you doing inside my head!???? Oh, I can relate my fellow Aries, psycho. ; )