It's a disease I think. I am not a T.V. watcher - never really have been. I CAN watch but mostly if I'm interested in T.V. it is for one or two shows only. However, I am addicted to the World Wide Web! I just recently joined Twitter and I have to admit I don't really understand the point of it yet. I have a Facebook account (along with a long list of other things: YouTube, Meetup.com, Dogster, many yahoogroups and lets not leave out my beloved Blogger) and there you can post what you are doing at any given moment too, but that goes along with a huge network of people with profiles and photos, videos, links, and all kinds of other gadgets. If I understand Twitter right, it's like the Facebook "what are you doing right now?" except that just it - nothing else. As if I need something else to take up my time and attention?
I'm drawing nearer to the end of my schooling. It is that time to buckle down and hit the books hardcore in preparation for taking the National licensing exam for ARRT. It is said that I need to devote and average of one hour per day until I take my exam sometime after May 14th. There is a lot of procrastination in me... and I'm easily distracted. I'm debating on wether I need to take a hiatus from my beloved WWW.
The way I see it, I'm still going to need to take "breaks"... but I may just be enabling myself. ;-)
Hey Laura, love the new page look and puppy photo. Personally I am not going to Tweet as facebook and blogger are more than enough. Study study study for your exams. I'm a procrastinator like you also,but try to get your nose in the books daily anyway, as cramming is so stressful. Love, Cyn