It's only the fourth day but, I'm getting a bead on him. He is exceptionally sweet and gentle. He loves people! He's great with the neighbor kids too. He doesn't seem to be weary of strangers, he meets new people with gentle curiosity and a wagging tail. He took to the crate within 5 minutes. I don't trust him with my other dog Onyx because I don't trust Onyx not to start shit. So in the crate he must go, when we are not home. Otherwise, he is a perfect little gentleman. I think if people can see past the black coat and any stereotypes associated with Chow Chows he will have no problem finding a great home. He will make someone a wonderful, peaceful companion for the rest of his days.
He allowed me to brush his coat, cut out mats around his ears, hand feed him, and take food from him. I'd say he's pretty darn tolerant, especially for being so recently uprooted from his home of 10 years.
As the days continue on, I will become more and more attached to this little guy, and he to me. Hopefully, I will not jinx the situation by saying he is the best foster I've had so far. :::knock on wood::: Saying good bye will be the hardest part.
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