Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Ashes Of Life
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Just sad lately. Things make me cry more easily than normal. It's a general funk, although one thing is at the heart of it all - a little more of a tender spot - It's affecting everything else in a general way. I know there are many things up in the air in my life right now and all of that does nothing to help my unstable emotional situation. It's normal to go through depression slumps in life, I've been through plenty before and I'm sure this isn't my last. If I can try to see the bright side of it, at least I'm *alive*, I'm living life, experiencing it and all it's sensory roller coaster ups and downs. I'd rather have this than the dull, numbness of living a complacent existence in a false reality.
Monday, December 21, 2009
For starters, this year has in fact been been royally shitty. Dissolution of an 8 year marriage, while ultimately it is the best thing for both of us I believe, it still smacks of heartache, disappointment and failure on many different levels. Stemming from that are some pretty F'ing huge changes. I've always been the kind of person who can't really hide her emotional state. I may not verbalize how I feel but if you're around me, you know. You KNOW. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, and I hide very little about myself, generally speaking. I realize I'm experiencing an ebb and flow of emotional states. At once I think I know what I want, then I'm not sure. I'm second guessing myself more and more lately, catching myself after doing things, experiencing remorse and then changing things again. Desiring to reach out to people (like I have always done) but then regretting reaching out... wishing I hadn't. Simply being in that confused of a state of mind is unsettling to me - GREATLY unsettling. So, while I have many good days, with a seemingly good handle on reality and decisiveness, I still get broadsided by days like today. The catalyst can be very minor, as it was today. Believe me though, it's not that simple a situation. I am incredibly vague, for a reason. It's that uncertainty of wanting to reach out, expose myself for all to judge, but fearing it at the same time. I'm not who I used to be, and I suppose that is normal because we all should change as our life progresses on... but, I think I'm feeling overwhelmed by the severity of change I've recently experienced. I feel like I have a personality disorder. I've desired solitary time more and more lately. Uncertainty, draws me into myself for reflection.
Self-reliance has always been a big deal for me. Since July, I've had VERY little of that and no amount of placating me will or has worked. It's gone on for too long and it's wearing on me severely.
I've been all over the emotional map: pissed, sad, depressed, elated, disgusted, horny, hurt, disappointed, devious, dishonest, confused as hell, relieved, loved, tossed aside, crushed, frustrated... I haven't even scratched the surface here on the many things that are upsetting me... and don't bother to ask, I'm not in the mood to share. Needless to say, it's going to take a while for me to "get right" again. I don't know what's good for me right now. "I just don't know".
Was just thinking it might help to understand that schizophrenia is my status quo.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thoughtless of others; displaying a lack of consideration.
Not well considered or carefully thought out; ill-advised.
Is it wrong...
I have a bad habit of waiting until I am alone with my forsaken thoughts and the thing that didn't sit well settles in, slaps me across the face and I suddenly realize how "wrong" it was, even though it happened only a few moments ago. I think what I do is hope that the situation will improve as time moves forward and then when it's all said and done and nothing ever did improve, that is when I get officially bent sideways.
While I can understand the culprit being not-so-pleased with the belated unveiling of my displeasure at the situation I still cannot help but feel that it is odd that I have to bring this fact to their attention AT ALL. Because I feel that someone should have a decent enough handle on reality to know when something they are doing is inconsiderate. I end up feeling insignificant and thoughtlessly treated.
I seriously would like to know, what you think. My bad habit of waiting to reveal my displeasure and the inconsiderate (though, not malicious) behavior - neither are *good* things. It seems like a bit of a mess. How much of it should one endure? At what point do you call the situation a no win, for either person? At what point should one "throw in the towel"?
I ruminate... don't they make a medication for that?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Casualties of Divorce
She finally hung one of my paintings! :-D I think it looks very nice in her place. :-D Although, I may be a tad bit biased. Hahaha!
Want to talk about Random?
I woke up thinking about how I need to update our Bling Dog Rescue website, and how I've put it off now for 2 days!
I tried to secure some narcotics for a friend this morning. Didn't really work out. I'm wondering why some people would even *think* of me for illegal narcotics. HA! (seriously)
I wanted to get the dogs out and myself out so I decided to walk down to Portfolio for coffee and a breakfast panini. Nice sidewalk table. Three very cute young ladies arrive on their bikes and fawn all over my dogs. :::very big smile::: They have a seat at the table next to mine. :::very big smile::: The line inside was long so I settled down in my chair and made a phone call to my lawyer - as planned. I was correct in my assumption that I basically have no choice in the matter of filing for bankruptcy. Since my darling (soon to be, not soon enough - EX) husband has decided to take the "easy" way out and file for bankruptcy. OK, I'm a little bitter. Because I don't have much of a choice in the matter, and I **guess** I can't blame him for wanting to do this. I just don't like being out of control, HA. I am pretty sure I can keep my truck, that was my biggest concern. While I was enjoying my breakfast panini and coffee (which I was able to get after the phone call - line WAY shorter) a fire engine pulls up and a gaggle of H-O-T ass firemen pile out and saunter into the coffee shop. I got a few stares, gratefully returned. ;-) Oh yes, men in uniform, there's just *something* about 'em. The authority, the domination... makes me quiver and melt. Lucky me, got it a second time when they came back out! I finally had to come back home because my stupid laptop cannot live for more than 5 minutes on it's gimpy battery and there was no outlet outside near the tables. :-(

Friday, September 25, 2009
Ever feel so lost?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I had this realization recently. I thought I was in a state of confusion when in fact I've known the answer all along. I just forgot that I knew what I really wanted. Knowing what you want affords you courage and resolve, it allows you to be purpose driven. Knowing what you want gives you confidence, gives you peace.
Friday, July 17, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Samson the wonder dog
Monday, June 29, 2009
Samson needs a home!
Samson is a 10 year old Black Chow/Aussie/Samoyed mix. He is intact and current on all vaccinations. He is medium/small in size, 40-50 lbs. He is a very sweet and gentle boy, loves people. I have not cat tested him yet and I’m working on obtaining more information on him from his previous owners. He doesn’t walk that well on leash but he seems to listen and I’m working with him on some basic training.
Samson was dumped by his family at our local PetSmart adoption event with a local shelter. This family had Samson since he was a puppy, 10 years in this family. A new boxer puppy started some issues and Samson ended up with the chewed up ears. The final decision of the family was to get rid of the old dog and keep the new puppy.
Please find it in your heart to open your home up to sweet Samson. He is very deserving of a loving FOREVER home and he will shower you with love, devotion and sweet kisses.
If you are interested in Samson, or know someone who is please call me:
(951) 500-7844
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Something I'm allergic to...
If you don't know any of my story you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook. I will have to make some time to write out a decent account of what happened later. I had an acute allergic reaction to something. I think it was a stain fighter additive for the laundry. I don't know for sure and I won't know until I get my referral to a specialist.
It's been a long week. This started on Friday
at work, landed in the ER on Ssturday night, ended up calling the NP on call Sunday, she phoned in another Rx and got to squeeze in an appointment on Tuesday to see my regular doctor because it just keeps coming back. The ER put me on Prednisone for five days along with a bunch of other crap too, butbi think the pred has the worst of all the side effects. Irritability, sleeplessness, dry mouth, dizziness, blurred vision, lack of concentration. I never knew all this could happen from taking a steriod! It sucks big time!
I'm trying to get to bed at a decent hour tonight but I'm no sure it's going to be possible since the DH is chopping down a forest next to me!
Till next time. I hope to have more details and pictures.
-- Post From My iPhone
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Photo glitch?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New App
This picture is of my bathroom mirror - and a few of my daily study post-it's so I can multi task while brushing my teeth.
It has cool little emoticons like this:
BlogPress Pro. Had the best reviews besides WordPress but I don't have a WordPress account so here I be. The only thing I wish it could do is receive RSS feeds so I can easily read my blog subscriptions on the go. I can log into the Web, but Apps make things much easier and direct. Who knows they just might come out with that next.
OK, now, REALLY back to studying.
I look tired but how about any smarter?
-- Post From My iPhone
6 hours sleep. Sheesh.
I'll have to make up for it tonight.
-- Post From My iPhone
Can't sleep.
Been up all night. I hate insomnia. But, at least I don't have to be anywhere at anytime tomorrow. Grrrr.
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, May 18, 2009
Haven't been around much lately.

The whirlwind of finishing up our last semester of school really kicked my butt. Planning a pinning ceremony with virtually no help wasn't my idea of fun, let me tell you. Add that to the pressure of wether or not we will be offered a job, needing to study for the licensing exam, HOPING and PRAYING that we pass that, finding out that our program director (much revered) unexpectedly passed away less than a week before our pinning ceremony... well, lets just say that saying I've been stressed doesn't really accurately describe it. Add also that I got very ill during all of this and, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and die. I did have a break down moment but I think any normal person would.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
New proposed Mandatory Microchipping and Spay/Neuter ordinance in Southern California

Los Angeles already passed this as law, much to my great disappointment. Now it seems Riverside County is trying, again, to pass this ordinance. I am overwhelmingly AGAINST this legislation. I believe we pet owners should have the right to choose when we spay/neuter our pets and not have the government mandate it and FINE us if we are not in accordance. In addition, I believe we reserve the right to choose microchipping if we see fit. There are many studies detailing the health problems in both male and female dogs arising from early spay/neuter. Just to list a few articles on the topic:
To learn more about the proposed ordinance and what it really means to you as a pet owner I've listed a few more links below. Among them are sites, such as the AKC, that offer actions that you can do to oppose and fight against this ordinance passing. I would appreciate your support in fighting to keep our right to choose what is best for our pets!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Kinda bummed I can't update my side bar...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Now I lay me down to sleep...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Work out log 3/18/09 - 2.58 Miles*
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Shelter puppies, disease and heartbreak.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Too much on my plate but I can't help it!

It's a disease I think. I am not a T.V. watcher - never really have been. I CAN watch but mostly if I'm interested in T.V. it is for one or two shows only. However, I am addicted to the World Wide Web! I just recently joined Twitter and I have to admit I don't really understand the point of it yet. I have a Facebook account (along with a long list of other things: YouTube,, Dogster, many yahoogroups and lets not leave out my beloved Blogger) and there you can post what you are doing at any given moment too, but that goes along with a huge network of people with profiles and photos, videos, links, and all kinds of other gadgets. If I understand Twitter right, it's like the Facebook "what are you doing right now?" except that just it - nothing else. As if I need something else to take up my time and attention?
Friday, March 6, 2009
I need to get home and sleep!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Stress, Running and The Mud Run
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Barbera from Wiens Family Cellars
Wine making is a complex process and even within one type of grape you can change the final outcome, flavor and characteristics. Depending upon when the grape is harvested can make a big difference in how one type of wine will taste. I have experienced this but I didn't know why it was so before. I love Cabs but I have tasted a couple that really turned me off, not that I could remember the specifics now but it was something about them I didn't like. I read that Barbera wines have a distinct tannins affect, tannins are what make you pucker when tasting the wine. But, I always thought of it like "dryness" or "bite" and I like that but I like many different characteristics in wines. Wiens descibes their Barbera as full bodied with many hints of different kinds of berries. That's what I can remember off hand and the bottle isn't near me now. I think this Barbera is quite smooth without that characteristic "bite" but that doent mean I don't like it, its fabulous! I don't detect too muc
h sweetness as a result of the berries, but maybe some tartness and what I think some refer to as "woody" that comes from the barrel it ferments in. I think my husband would even enjoy this wine - he's not into heavy stuff like Zins. I'd say its a nice middle of the road wine that can be appealing to both "extremes" of wine connoisseur. Have I mentioned that I love the wine club? :-D
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
PET scan
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Running, running, running.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Daisy DM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Degenerative Myelopathy
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Sweet Daisy dog
Poor Daisy. It appears her hips are really beginning to fail her now. It's time to get her into the vet to see if we can find out more precisely what is going on, therefore, be able to treat her problem more accurately. She's approximately 8-10 years old but we don't really know for sure. She had a tough life before coming to live with us and I vowed to make it much better for the rest of her days! Let's just hope she doesn't break the credit card at the vet! If you would like to see what I mean follow the link and watch the videos. Daisy's Gait. Think positive and healing thoughts for poor Daisy.