Saturday, January 31, 2009

Running, running, running.

 I've taken to running again lately. Been so derned stressed out I feel I have to do something! I have to take benadryl (x2) every night just so I can sleep through the night. I usually take Lady running with me but I am limited on time and I feel bad for Onyx. PLUS, Onyx always seems so under exercised from our regular walks anyway. I began to include Onyx on my runs with Lady. I get some interesting looks and comments and mumbles now. I'm happy to say that even though I've gotten up to 3+ miles and we did almost 4.5-5 miles yesterday Onyx still seems unfazed by this level of activity. She's not over exerted at the end and not out of breath. Shoot, Lady seems more out of breath! I have brought this point up to a few people and no one seems to object to this for Onyx at her age. I guess it's more a problem for Great Danes if they are younger and still growing. I was always told to not "over exercise" a Dane. I am happy we can do this together now! It's good for us all! We trekked up a nice hill and cruised down the other side yesterday, I'm so impressed with Onyx.  I will bring this up with my vet the next time we go - just in case there are any issues I should be concerned with that I'm not thinking of right now. I am wondering if her joints aren't going to be affected by too much of this running? I suppose I could space out her jaunts with us and have her go a couple times a week instead of every time. 
It feels good for me, I'm getting back into the groove and in better cardiovascular shape for it. When you're out of practice it can be difficult to get back into the swing. So now I feel guilty if I miss more than a day or so because I don't want to lose my conditioning. :-)

Running with a Great Dane, who'd a thunk it?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Daisy DM

I find myself watching Daisy a little more closely now she's been diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy. Maybe it's just me but it seems like she is worse and worse. I have her on mega doses of Joint supplements and an anti-inflammatory drug to try and alleviate any discomfort she may have due to any arthritis she may have. This is supposed to help her regain more mobility so she can gain some more strength in her back legs. ~sigh~ I hope it starts getting a little better. But, unfortunately I think it is only going to continue to get worse. :-(


I just recently noticed the "Follow this Blog" item on Blogger. I'm now following a few blogs. It's kind of neat and I realize I have ONE follower! LOL. Thanks for following! I'm a mish-mosh blog but mostly about my babies (dogs/cats/ferrets) with some other life happenings sprinkled in. I go through phases where I'm posting a lot then I have drought periods. It depends upon how busy I am with my schooling. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to my follower! I was going to follow her blog but I think it's been deleted. :-(

Monday, January 5, 2009

Degenerative Myelopathy

Daisy went to the vet today. She has been diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy. It is truly disappointing news. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sweet Daisy dog

Poor Daisy. It appears her hips are really beginning to fail her now. It's time to get her into the vet to see if we can find out more precisely what is going on, therefore, be able to treat her problem more accurately. She's approximately 8-10 years old but we don't really know for sure. She had a tough life before coming to live with us and I vowed to make it much better for the rest of her days! Let's just hope she doesn't break the credit card at the vet! If you would like to see what I mean follow the link and watch the videos. Daisy's Gait. Think positive and healing thoughts for poor Daisy. 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Freakin' New Year

I can only hope 2009 will be better than 2008 but I just don't know for sure. I just heard about the possibility of the state of California issuing I.O.U.'s to people instead of tax returns. BUT, if you happen to owe taxes you better be damn sure you cannot issue the state an I.O.U. How is that fair? (And don't you dare give me the "life isn't fair" bull crapola) It's a bunch of horse manure (getting the common theme here?) if you ask me. I also heard a prediction that 2009 will end so much worse than 2008 that by this time next year we will *wish* it was 2008 again. A bunch of gloom and doom. If I didn't have so much at stake - on a fine line - I wouldn't sweat it as much but crap, it ain't looking good. As the talk show host put it, like saying "it's the year of the dragon" or "it's the year of the monkey" this year will be "the year of the poop sandwich". Choke it down.